That's what she said.

Read the guardian article about it.

Let me start with Fuck Russell Brand and Anonymous. My husband and I watched a few youtube vids and we were at first intrigued by his rhetoric on injustice. And then we did a little more research on the guy and found that he is a member of the "illuminati". YIKES!!! Whether the illuminati is real or not, it may be wise to reconsider taking any advice from anyone involved in the entertainment industry, no matter how funny their movies are.  This industry has been a major culprit in misguiding human behavior.  Protests are certainly a trap and a waste of time. People should consider quitting their shitty jobs that they pretend to love and band together and create new jobs for themselves. Jobs that could showcase their true talents. That's a start. That's real and more progressive protesting. Yes I know. It's easier said than done but its a strong consideration and I'm up for the challenge.  Plus we'd have a lot less traffic and angry drivers on the road. Wouldn't that be nice?  And maybe we could stop defending and supporting any "wealthy"celebs who suggest  us to "Gather around the world for a Million Mask March" and putting us in a potentially harmful situation.  I don't know about you but I'd like to stay far away from any law enforcer with a gun and night stick.  Or should we continue to play follow the wealthy leader? And fuck those masks too. Don't forget where the idea of those masks came from. That's right. HOLLYWOOD. Remember that stupid fucking movie? Trappity Trap Trap Trapper Keeper!

And I may be wrong but fuck it. I'm going to say this any damn way.  I believe the same people running Anonymous are the same fuckers who spy on us. Show your faces. What are you scared of? What are you hiding? 

And thanks to KREET-n for informing me that Warner Bros. owns the rights to the Guy Fawkes mask and to go even further into the bullshit, they were made in South America by poor folk (and children).  Happy protesting.  I CALL BULLSHIT!!!!!!!

So, we all know we're in a bad spot, right?  It's no longer a secret and at this point its damn near impossible to hide from, unless of course you're a sociopath. (see Tumblr for sociopathic tendencies). 
Honesty is extremely valuable at this point.  Being honest with ourselves and true to our feelings is only the beginning of the grand journey to the other side. (And I don't mean the afterlife. I mean the other side right here on Earth.) Self actualizing and the realization of oneself is the revolution that we should seek for and understand.  What's got me feeling the blues is we all seem to really, really dislike each other and to some degree we dislike ourselves.  And I'm beginning to understand that  it's because we have lied to each other constantly in order to make ourselves feel better about whatever is ailing us and yet somehow it does the complete opposite. We get stuck in those lies because it becomes far too hard to back track and the embarrassment becomes unbearable.  Our pride and our egos have gotten in the way of our sensibilities and moreover our love, and have become tarnished from over use and abuse. We have to stop dismissing our mistakes. Not doing so only keeps us in this stagnant place of ignorance and loneliness.  We have made the job of growing in to the great and excellent people we are truly meant to be an extremely destructive and difficult task.  I am concussed from ramming my head in to the "wall" we have built and imprisoned ourselves behind, knowing that there is something greater, fresh and new on the other side.  But it's gotten almost too high to climb and pass over and we're stuck here constantly regurgitating regurgitated regurgitation. We're all just shades and fragments of our whole selves.  We're trapped in a vicious cycle and I want out!!!!! And there is a way out through truth. We have to make it. There are children being born everyday who need us to help them show themselves the way.  In the end the truth will set you free to the other side. It is there waiting for us.  Open your eyes and you will see it

Enlightenment is a destructive process. It
has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the
crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing
through the facade of pretence. It’s the
complete eradication of everything we
imagined to be true.
—  Adyashanti

Just because you have an interest in reading or watching something doesn't mean you will like it. Have you ever heard of research? You know...paying attention to your surroundings? Seeing what the fuck is going on in the world? Here's what's happening in the world.  Beyonce released her secret album. Yay!  The self-proclaimed queen is 40...32 years old now and is apparently having a mid life crisis. There are new "artists", ( whatever the fuck artist means at this point) , who are receiving attention that Beyonce apparently feels she deserves. In the end it doesn't matter because all mainstream music is dead and over. I watched her new video "Blow" or "Bleh" and from the looks of it she's jumping on that sex train a bit late. Were you feeling the pressure brought on by yet another thieving pop star by the name of  Miley Cyrus' who's success was brought on by twerking, seductively licking sledge hammers and riding a wrecking ball naked?  Yeah...I guess I can see how that would be nerve wracking. :/  "Blow" screams of desperation with all the over the top choreography, her bump and grind moves on top of a vintage Ferrari and the blatant sexual overtones as she repeats over and over "Turn the cherry out".  Not only that but it appears as if no one is having any real fun even though there's a 60's/70's/80's/90's themed roller skating party covered in dayglo art going on. Rather they look like they're at work and it's been a long, hard day. It all just seems senseless, painfully forced and completely irrelevant.  More importantly, Beyonce's behavior is extremely bitchy and mean spirited.  It's saddening to see how this diva's persona is transforming in to this false representation of what a strong women should look like and how they should act.  This video indicates that women should behave like cunts and feel above everyone, especially men. Her actions represent the deep inequality among men and women and according to her, that's perfectly fine.  She's an independent woman after all.  At least that is what I perceived from the way she rudely blows off a dude trying to raise her attention in the beginning of the video. Sorry guys.  She's much, much better than you.  This video is anything but amazing...

What is amazing is that her tactic in releasing this piece of shit is made to seem as though she, after 15 loooong years, is still original and edgy, and that much credit is owed to her because of the precious time, thought and energy that was put in to this one-of-a-kind project.  How does an artist keep their projects a secret you ask? Uh...Simple. You don't say anything. Now someone please explain to me what in the fuck is so goddamn amazing about that? HuH??? Anyone? Hello? I'll tell you. Nothing. Nothing is amazing about some egomaniac selling you stolen lifestyles and ideas from the public and selling it back to you as a some special gift filled with thoughtless lyrics, dumb choreography and heavy red lip gloss. It's criminal and fraudulent.   MTV created the music video, remember?  Just because you release a handful of recycled songs and fake psychedelic videos at the same time, doesn't mean you've made some sort of history here or that you deserve a round of applause for your stolen goods.  The nerve of this bitch.

Dear Beyonce, I know its important for you to be seen as a sex symbol and revered as a goddess. And I know you want us to believe that it is you who was the first woman to discover sex and partying, which "Blow" seems to be suggesting. I hate to break it to you, but you're late. Way way late. Other people have had sex and definitely have been involved in some heavy partying that would make your sexy roller skating shindig look like a funeral.  But nice try. You suck..wait... I mean, blow.

People that are offended by what I'm saying should take a deeper look in to what you think you see here. She makes you feel like you and her are the same and that you can relate to many things about her and she's your home girl.   But she isn't. She is a liar and a thief. And a loud one at that. No, you say? She admits to "innocently fibbing" about this whole project to the press. Not that I'm sticking up for the media at all, because they're all in this show together.  But it seems that it is okay to lie now even if it's innocent. :/  Maybe she's only referring to herself.  :/ It's okay if she lies. :/ It doesn't hurt anyone. :/  All is forgiven because she's so goddamn amazing. :/ Yeah. Right. I wonder what else she's been lying about. The things that make you go hmmmmmm. 

Thanks Beyonce for another thoughtless, confusing and rather lazy ass attempt at creating..."art".
You did it!!!!!  Oh wait...I mean the people you paid to do it for you did it.